Электронная книга Quidditch Through the Ages

Электронная книга Quidditch Through the Ages

Автор: Джоан Кэтлин Роулинг
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From its origins on Queerditch Marsh in the eleventh century to the sophisticated sport played today, discover how , according to Professor Albus Dumbledore’s foreword.

Do you know why refereeing a Quidditch match was once a task for only the bravest witches and wizards, or how to tell a Transylvanian Tackle from a Woollongong Shimmy? In this enlightening and highly popular Hogwarts library book, Kennilworthy Whisp reveals the daring highs and dangerous lows of the glorious game of Quidditch.

Подробная информация

Правообладатель: Pottermore limited
Объем: 48 стр.
Дата выхода на BooksCloud: 26 May 2017
ISBN: 978-1-78110-674-7

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