Электронная книга The Little Prince

Электронная книга The Little Prince

Автор: Антуан де Сент-Экзюпери
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The Little Prince (French: Le Petit Prince) – is an allegorical fable and the most famous work of Antoine de Saint-Exupery.

It was first published in April 1943 by publisher “Reynal & Hitchcock” in both English and French. Saint-Exupery wrote the novella while living in New York City; a city he fled to after the occupation of his native France by Nazi Germany.

The literary roots of the fable are based on the wandering plot of the rejected prince; while the emotional – on a child’s view of the world.

The story line is built around the travels of the Little Prince who hails from the tiny planet B-612. Gradually, his journey becomes not just the literal movement from planet to planet, but more of a way to discover life and the world.

Thanks to Saint-Exupery’s artistic methods, adult readers see in the fable, a transcript of a conversation of two old friends; while children get a vivid and easily understandable description of the world that surrounds them. Due mostly to these two factors, The Little Prince has achieved such high levels of recognition and popularity.

Подробная информация

Правообладатель: Strelbytskyy Multimedia Publishing
Объем: 55 стр.
Дата выхода на BooksCloud: 22 Jan 2021
ISBN: 9780880002837
Преводчик: Жигалова Марина

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