Электронная книга English grammar: 100 main rules

Электронная книга English grammar: 100 main rules

Автор: Елена Васильева
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As soon as you started learning English you have to study basic grammar rules that help understand the language structure and as a result communicate effectively. In the reference guide 100 most common grammar rules are put together and explained in a clear form of tables with several examples to each rule. Referring to this grammar guide may be helpful for those students who have recently started learning English and still find grammar not simple to understand as well as for those advanced users who need just refresh their knowledge of English grammar or clarify some grammar points.

Подробная информация

Правообладатель: Ltd. "Prospekt"
Объем: 50 стр.
Дата выхода на BooksCloud: 20 Jun 2023
ISBN: 9785392161621

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